Monday, February 19, 2007


I'm completely demoralized and depleted of any hope I ever had. Whatever credibility I had, and whatever self-pride I ever had of myself is now gone. I haven't the strength nor the motivation to produce anything worth noting anymore, not in my life, or my work, or my self. My life is slowly being sucked away with every breath I take. I've come to a point where I'm actually looking forward to ceasing to exist. I'm not who I was, I'm merely a shadow of what I was, and that shadow is slowly dissipating into oblivion.


Kill Pill said...

Have you tried going to a psychiatrist?
I know an American psychologist in Kuwait if you want.
She can't give you medication but can refer you to a specialist if she diagnosis you with depression.
You don't have to live like this..

Kill Pill said...

Oh and I love that song Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd...
Good choice :)